Pick The RIGHT Major

How confident are you RIGHT now that you can pick a college major?

Join our 6-session coaching program to go from anxious to excited about your decision

Did You Know?

  • 50% of recent grads regret their choice of majors

  • Almost 2/3’s of students feel overwhelmed by the process of picking a major

  • 35% of students launch into a career right out of college

    • of those, 64% were sure of their major when they began college

Does this feel like one big overwhelming decision?

You are not alone. Most students tell us picking a major is the most overwhelming part of planning for college. We will help you get more confident about choosing a career path and the RIGHT education to reach your life goals.

Let’s break it down. This is not one big decision you will make, it is a bunch of little decisions you will make over time.

Ahh, that feels better already. We can hear the first sigh of relief!

This program:

  • Identifies your unique talents and interests & how they can point toward a career

  • Offers a career assessment that creates options you may not have considered

  • Gives you a way to explain your unique talents in college applications, essays, and in job interviews

  • Eliminates careers that are not right, so you don’t waste your time on the wrong major

  • Helps you maximize your time in college so you get the most out of it, have fun, and feel confident about why you are there

Zach Shares His Experience

“When you said you can do something you love to do, I never considered that and that’s pretty cool!” — Zach

Get Curious | Get Clear | Get Confident


6 One-Hour Group Coaching Sessions - Zoom Video chat

Sundays: 7:00 pm, Mar 23 - Apr 27 SOLD OUT

Thursdays: 5:00 pm, Mar 27 - May 1 SOLD OUT

Sundays: 5:30 pm, Mar 30 - May 4

Click enroll now for private & spring classes

Not seeing a class that fits your schedule? Get on our waitlist below or create your own private class - call 214.207.5887 to learn more


Check out our Fast Track Program

Pick the RIGHT Major

  • Students

    • Determine a list of career interests

    • Identify your natural talents and how to use them in a career

    • Pick a major or another education option based on your career path

    • Develop job interviewing skills

    • Gain experience in networking

    • Learn the step-by-step formula to determine a career path

  • Parents

    • Get two 20-minute parent coaching/debrief sessions

Get On Our Waitlist!

Not seeing a class time that works for you?

We will let you know when we have upcoming classes.


Sign up Today!

What Our Clients Are Saying

Keep doing what you're doing, you are making a difference!

It was reassuring to hear Maddux’s confidence level regarding picking a career path is at a “10”.

I can see he is on the right career path based on his CliftonStrengths. We share two strengths in our top 5 which is interesting. The report has given us another way to connect.

Wow, thank you Kristin for this opportunity for Maddux to meet with some other kids, learn from your wisdom, and explore (for himself) his next big step in life.

He really enjoyed the class and encouraged his sister Mia to take it! He is now studying to be a therapist at ASU!

– Kim M

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